Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Not sleeping...but maybe that would be more productive....

AHHHH....I have just spent the second all nighter without much progress.  I am thinking maybe if I just start writing something that I will decide to just keep going and write my discussion too.  I am not sure what I am experiencing but I think it is a whole lot of wow I haven't been in school really for 4 years and I have no motivation to actually do this and I don't care about ants or Hawaii...although if someone gave me a ticket to go there, I would go.  I think I am really stupider then I used to be.  I know pregnancy did it but I felt like I was coming out of the phase.  I wonder if it is an estrogen thing?  After the surgery I had to be on a lot of that....I think my big problem is I like to come up with a lot of excuses instead of just doing it.  My daddy used to tell me all the time (when I was stressing about having to wake up early for my paper route) that "A weenie (or is that worrier) dies a thousand deaths...but a hero dies just one."  I think that must be it.  I am dead and didn't know it....I think heaven might be nicer....I sure hope so.  If not, I am going to go start boozing it up and wearing skanky clothes.  OK back to the subject....so I lost my brains.  I worked all night on my thesis last night and then around noonish, I realized I hadn't eaten anything for a day or so and I thought I should make some tomatoe soup.  I turned it on and then made Cody a sandwich and started feeding Kita some mac and cheese (microwave kind). Cody left a little later and I started working on some graphs:  showing here:..

... all of the sudden I look up and black smoke is billowing out of the kitchen....Kita and I both couldn't breathe.  We had a quick lesson on what to do in case of a fire and I showed her how you put your head right close to the ground so you won't breathe in smoke.  I couldn't believe how gross the smoke was.  I have started plenty of fires in the short while I have been living at the village but I was impressed with this one.  I didn't actually see any flames but the smoke nearly knocked me out.  Plus, it has permeated my whole apartment.  I have been spraying tons of fabreeze (which bytheway I totally do not believe their commercials...fabreeze...it can't cover stink up that well....it just a little baby powder to stink) I have also plugged in every yummy smell maker thing I own.  Anyhoe, one of my friends said her husband was walking by and asked if someone was smoking weed because it was a sweet smelling smoke...ahhhh.  All of my clothes smell and I have been doing laundry all night and I am still not finished. It was just a little pan that got smoked but it sure nastified our apartment.  Although, I do have one nice thought and it is that I think this is the first time I have made tomatoe soup without it boiling over! :)
Sleep is taking me over....does anyone else get a red nose when they don't sleep enough?  My body is crazy...